Just some of the most popular hotels in and around Tipperary and Kilkenny that I would recommend
Hotels – Tipperary 
Hotels – Kilkenny
Wedding Favours
It goes without saying that your wedding day is an extremely special occasion and one of the biggest days of your life. Of course for all brides and grooms the actual wedding ceremony is the most important part but sharing your special day with your closest friends and family is also a vital element for a lot of people. It is becoming commonplace for many brides and grooms to recognise the love and friendship of their guests with a small token of their appreciation.
There are literally hundreds of different ideas for wedding favours that you can use but below are just a small selection. All of these are becoming more frequent at Irish weddings in places all over Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow and Waterford and you don’t have to break the bank.
A sweet idea One of the most popular wedding favours that won’t decimate your wedding budget is sweets and in particular, Love Hearts. They have obvious connotations with love and togetherness and you can customise the wrappers to include your own personal message. Other sweet companies also offer a similar service and although Love Hearts are arguably the most appropriate it really is up to the bride and groom to choose which sweets to have, possibly their own favourites.
A small surprise to unwrap Favour envelopes are another increasingly popular idea and anything can be placed in them and left as a surprise for your guests. A photograph or a note of thanks can be especially heartfelt for guests, many of whom may have travelled a long way to be present.
Scented candles are also growing in popularity as a wedding favour and are often found at Irish weddings in Tipperary and Kilkenny in particular. The candles can be personalised with your own unique message or you can buy them ‘off the shelf’ but either way they will create a wonderful aroma in the room and give your guests a lasting memory of the day that they can take home and keep. And of course let’s not forget everybody’s favourite, the good old lottery scratch cards!
Of course you can break the bank if you choose to. While most brides and grooms have a limited budget which they’ll try to stick rigidly to, some couples will be able to lavish expensive wedding favours on their guests. If you can afford to then, why not? Any form of personalised gift will be sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests and items such as hip flasks, passport holders and wallets can all be customised with a unique message for a real personal touch.
Whichever wedding favours you decide to go with, they can be incorporated into the videography by Abbey Video Productions so that you have a permanent reminder of the tokens of gratitude you had on your special day. Also have a look at Brides In Munster for a fantastic range of Wedding Suppliers for Tipperary and Kilkenny So, I hope my post has been of some use to you, and I have a great one for next week! ~ Joe All photos © Abbey Video)