Time to get booking Wedding Video Tipperary, Kilkenny – Carlow-Ireland
Time to get booking….
So, it’s that time of the year where Christmas is nearly upon us! If you’re getting married next year or even 2016/17, now is the time to get booking your wedding suppliers. That’s if you haven’t started already! With so much to do in the run up to Christmas, all your wedding suppliers are only a click away on Brides In Munster, and they are local which is so important in these times.

Wedding video Kilkenny
Google is very good to us – if you type wedding suppliers Tipperary we are number one! And I’m happy to say we are above weddings- online in the Google rankings along with my own Abbey Video Productions – Google wedding video Tipperary and I am number one for that also! Not bad for a little set up! So have a good look around the site and I am sure you can plan your full wedding on it, we are getting requests every day from suppliers to be added.

Summer Weddings in Tipperary
We at Brides in Munster don’t charge our suppliers and never will, so there is no add on price when you use one of the suppliers from our site – even better, we recommend they give you a little off the price when you book them from our site.