When will my wedding DVD be ready?… ok here’s how it works

Our Wedding DVD
This is a question I am asked at the time of booking or even on the wedding day and I feel if someone pays for a product they should get it within a reasonable timeframe. We here at Abbey Video Productions based in Tipperary and Kilkenny have a great team, herself and me 🙂 I film then hand over to Breda the next day – of course I go through the footage with her to check and to see all is 100%, and maybe discuss some special shots that might be nice for use in a highlight shot. Then when we are happy with the raw footage it goes into our beast of a new computer and between Breda’s editing skills and the state of the art editing system we use, your wedding DVD is born!

Thomastown Church Kilkenny
We have a tidy system operating! If I film a wedding on a Friday, when I get home that footage is backed up and backed up again. The next day that wedding footage is checked thorougly and makes its way to the next stage into the editing system. From there, your raw film footage is placed on the video timeline and your choice of music added to the second audio timeline. Your live audio is left in place where appropriate (the marriage ceremony, speeches, dancing) and your choice of music is placed over video footage where needed, with adjustments made where necessary so that the music fits the flow of the film. When we are 110% happy with it, a HD file is rendered to ensure the utmost high quality.

Holy Cross Abbey Tipperary
But it’s not done yet! Now for our sophisticated authoring system where the file is encoded and chaptered for your convenience and finally written to a DVD or a usb key.
While all that’s working, the art work for your DVD face and presentation box is being designed on another computer to ensure the main computer is not interrupted while making your wedding DVD. So when the DVD is ready out it pops and it’s time for one of us to check the final product not once but twice, just to be sure! Then at this point it’s time to pack it and have it ready for when the couple come back from honeymoon.

The Templemore Arms Hotel Tipperary
It’s strange when I hear stories that some videographers are 3 -5 months behind on editing , so it takes months for couples to receive their wedding DVDs. When booking your wedding video be sure to ask how long it will take to see the completed product. I am very busy here in Tipperary along with covering a large area of Kilkenny and Waterford, so we are very proud that we can deliver when a couple return from honeymoon. Have a look here at some of the fantastic reviews we have got along the way for our quick but professional delivery of your special DVD. So if you are planning on getting married in 2016/ 2017/2018 give me a call and let’s discuss the wide range of packages available to you, along with our highly competitive prices. See our Reviews
Joe ~